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Bright Friday Exhibition GIF's

Bright Friday is a anti Black Friday event that celebrates saving your clothing and not buying extra things that you don’t necessarily need just because the store has a discount on. They advertise the event as: Brighten up your Black Friday by creating the dream rather than buying it. From pop up styling events to textile installations and from a satire fashion magazine to a comedy night at Komedia, there’s all sorts going on to rekindle your love for what you’ve already got and have fun without stretching your purse strings. Go on, try something new!

My work was for the Bright Friday student short film night (6-8pm Onca gallery). These are just the gifs that I made, but I entered a short film which pieced the gifs together adding sound effects and also some quotes that I thought were relevant about consumerism.

This gif is supposed to visually represent ‘Fast Fashion’, it plays on the word ‘fast’ which is where I got the main idea to add legs onto pieces of ‘fashion’ like bags or a tee shirt. The character is fast walking but not moving anywhere which is supposed to represent the fashion industry, we have fast fashion with tends coming in and going but to me they aren’t very different to one another therefore I don’t see high street fashion moving forward, just standing still doing the same stuff as before.

This gif is a message to people to ‘treasure what you have’ already. Is there any need to buy more clothes? just because they’re in fashion. Its supposed to get people to question if they really need what they are about to buy on Black Friday. I think we should look after and be satisfied with what we already have as the average woman owns a lot of clothing that we forget about!

This gif shows a character kicking a bottle into recycling which is emphasising how we should be recycling our clothing and not just throwing them away. Brighton has clothing banks which we should be using more. The bottle is just an object which is representing clothing.

‘i want’ is a phrase that a lot of us use, but do we really need it? This gif represents objects which are there to tempt us. The price tag on the character is supposed to show that even though the object might be on sale it is still very expensive! Also the character is locked behind jail bars which represents how we shouldn’t give in to temptation.

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